Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tiny Little Beating Heart!!

Thats our baby!!!

After a long day Monday of strange cramping and sharp pains Tues morning i decided to call my doctor.  After what seemed like waiting for ever to get a call back they told me that i should probably come in for them to check on things.  I was a worried mess all day long, praying that everything was ok with our little sea monkey! 3:30 finally came and i went in to check things out.  They did an exam and said that things did seem a little off so they wanted me to get an ultrasound.  That is obvioulsy the last thing i wanted to hear.  They explained to be that in some cases the baby can not fall into the uterus and can start to develop in the tubes which would not be good. Why they told me this I HAVE NO CLUE! Next i went in to the dark ultrasound room. I was extreamly anxious and wishing that Ben could be there with me.  The poor ultrasound tech must have thought i was a crazy person balling my head off.  They started the ultrasound and ran the warm metal across my belly but there was nothing. Again WHY DO THEY TELL ME. She said she was going to do a pelvic ultrasound and maybe that would give us a better look.  I was literally freaking out. The second they started this second ultrasound i fast little flicker came across the screen.  IS IT IN THE UTERUS i basically screamed at the poor lady. Our sweet little baby was indeed right there the whole time. Heart beating 122 beats per minute and measuring about a half inch! Relieved doesnt even begin to describe how i felt.  I just cried.  The love I already have for this tiny little half an inch baby is unbelievable.  So after one grey hair added we have a def. beating heart! :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Well as many of your probably already know, WE ARE GOING TO BE PARENTS!  Last Wed. evening when i got off work i decided to take a pregnancy test.  Not EVER expecting a postive outcome.  When i looked onto that tiny white stick and saw a bright pink plus sign, it was all i could do to scream Bens name through the house.  He came running in, I most likely sounded like i was dying. He walked in and i handed it to him. We stared at each other for what felt like an hour and then he said to me, "what does that mean?"  He dug through the box to find the instructions to read what we already knew but needed to just make sure, that a tiny pink plus sign meant that i was pregnant!  After we stopped staring at one another i told him we had to go to walmart to buy the entire pregnancy test section just to make sure! :) We bought two more boxes of test equaling 4 more test and left walgreens quickly.  Ben then decided he was hungry and must have pizza hut which was next door to walgreens. Not thinking that pizza hut would obvioulsy take FOREVER to get our pizza we went in and ordered. On the way to Walgreens i had drank possibly a half gallon of V8 Splash preparing for the amount of pee it would take to process four more test, a 25 min wait for pizza my bladder did not agree with. Sooo Pizza Hut bathroom was the only option.  Sure enough all positive!!!! and Pizza to celebrate.  After my doctors appt a couple days later we found out that i am as of Friday May 18 Six weeks along.  Our little baby will be here sometime early to mid July.  Every emotion you could possibly think of, i believe Ben and I both felt them this past week.  We go back June 27 to hear the heartbeat and can HARDLY WAIT! Yay for baby Akridge!

sorry this post is so smashed together, my brain is basically thinking paragraphs at once, no one small thought! :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Juliette has a forever home!

I have been following a website called Reeces Rainbow for some time now.  A couple of months ago i fell upon a little girls profile named Juliette, i fell in love with her.  After reading all her case requirements, praying about it and talking to ben I realized that we were not the ones to be her mom and dad.  I continued to visit her every day to check on her profile and see how much money she raised towards her adoption. Casually mentioning it every other day to Ben about what had changed on her page. Today i logged onto Reeces Rainbow site went to the normal tab and scrolled down to where juliette should be, no Juliette. I quickly went back to the top to search her name and as i clicked enter it pulled up the Found my Forever Home page with my sweet pigtailed Juliettes picture under it. At first my stomach dropped. Although i knew all along this was not going to actually be my little girl it still made me sad.  As i sit and think about it, God has answered my prayers.  I have prayed for Juliette to find her forever home easily 200 times. As i lay in bed at night listening to my husband say our prayers i alwasy chimed in at the end and added and Juliette. God has been listening, he does answer prayers and he has answered my prayers for this sweet little girl.  While of course in my fairy tale world i would have here with me this little girl is going to be getting a chance at life. A forever mommy and daddy who have been married for 2.5 years, ( the requirement that we didnt meet.) :)  I will now change my prayer a little bit and pray for Juliettes FOREVER mommy and daddy. Pray that they are God fearing, loving, strong, amazing people and that her adoption process would fly by and she would be sleeping in her new princess room as soon as possible!  

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fan or Follower

As I sit and listen to Sunday sermons i alwasy pretend like they must not be talking to me.  Ive heard some amazing sermons in my church going days and they are all good and wonderful but they just "apply" better to others life.  The last couple weeks Ben and I have been struggling with where God in leading us in this life, and are we listening to what he really wants from us. So this morning as Ben and I sat in church i tried to listen in a new way. A new way thinking possibly this one is for me, God is speaking to me.  Well turns out the pastor must have known we were coming this week ;) (funny how that works) Its like all the things flowing through our heads and our hearts were built into one big sermon.  Are we a fan or a follower or Christ? Are we running after our own agenda for our life and cheering on "Team Jesus" along the way or we dropping what we are doing, lacing up our shoes and truely following what Christ would have us do.  I listened to the pastors stories, and followed along as he told the story of jonah and could not help but to feel like I am Jonah.  Possibly its how i interperate the story and maybe its not what it means at all but i am i on my big "boat" called life running from what God has planned for me and my husband.  Of course i believe in God and have what i feel to be a very strong faith, i love sharing my faith and trying my best to live the life that he has given me but that is the problem.  I am a GREAT FAN of Jesus. He ended his sermon by saying God gave Jonah a second chance and he is giving you a second chance to listen to his cammands and GO TODAY! Do what God is continuly calling you to do.  I waited, and waited, and waited but that was it. Thats where he ended.  So heres the question. I feel as if God is calling us to do something great, he is leading us and preparing our hearts for something..... Its like you look at your phone and you have 5 missed calls from the same person and a text that says "I MUST TALK TO YOU ITS SO IMPORTANT" and you call back and they dont answer. Thats what i kind of feel like with God.  He has been calling and calling and i didnt pick up, but now i got his message.  So if he could only call me back and let me know waht that real important thing was i would really appreciate it. Now i realize that it is possible that it is not the best time for me to hear that message, or maybe i already heard it, or maybe im just crazy all together. Whatever it is if you happen to think of my crazy "dash" in your prayer time. Please ask God to PICK UP THE DARN PHONE.  

Thursday, April 26, 2012

My New Blog

Lately I have been consumed with reading blogs. Adoption blogs, marriage blogs, and even blogs about life.  Usually when i am suppost to be doing other things i spend hours reading about others lives, faith, and journeys.  I decided it would be a good idea to create my own blog to not only share our lifes journey, but writting has alwasy seemed to at times keep my brain from screaming at me inside my head. One time i heard a story, i believe it was a funeral, it was possibly a poem about "the dash."  When someone dies it reads on the front of the bullitin 1975-2012 or whatever that year may be. That dash in between those two years represented the entire life that person was alive.  This story inspired what i decided to name this blog.  As a newly wed EVERYTHING in my "dash" is different. A new home, a new job, a new school and there also seems to be this boy in my room. :) Whatever it is that God has planned for our dash together i believe it to be something great. Something life changing, or maybe even a little "strange" to the outside world.  I cannot wait to see what the Lords plan is for this amazingly great, crazy, confusing, busy, ridiculous dash he has given us.